Sunday, March 16, 2014

Shane Mae Suruiz                                       BSEd II-N

A Foot Has No Nose
                The story is about a mother and a daughter who always invite passing work-seekers to their house for a meal. It upsets the daughter so much whenever her mother instructs her to invite the passing work-seekers, make an open fire outside, and cook for them at midday in that intense heat. Her mother is aware of her behavior so she talked to her after serving their guests. She said ""Lonao ga lo na nko" - "A foot has no nose". It means: you cannot detect what trouble may lie ahead of you.
                The daughter realized that it may have happened that, in her travels some time in the future, she would found herself at the mercy of those very individuals. As if that was not enough to shame her, her mother continued: "Motho ke motho ka motho yo mongwe". The literal meaning: "A person is a person because of another person".
                This story is very meaningful. It tells us that we should be good to everyone because we will never know when we would need other’s help, too. Helping is a good way to show our care for others. We must help people wholeheartedly. If we are just forced to do so, then it’s better if we won’t help at all.
                They say that it is better to give than to receive. Well, I don’t have anything against it. In fact, I strongly agree. When you are the receiver, then it just means that you don’t have any of it and so you are in need of it. When you give, it means that you are, maybe not in a good state, but in a BETTER state. There’s a difference, of course. In the story, the mother loves showing her care for others, while the daughter isn’t in the same boat as her mother...maybe because she hasn’t realized it yet. For me, the best way to understand such situations is to put your feet in their shoes. By that, you can feel what they might feel and at that moment.
                When I finished reading the story, I can somehow relate to the daughter. I usually sulk when my mom tells me to do things I don’t even understand why I have to do it. I will only know when she already reprimanded me of my annoying behavior.

                I also contemplated about what I used to do with our student teachers way back in high school. I was really guilty when I thought about that and I’m afraid that it may also happen to me once I get into the field. I regret doing those things especially now that know I already know how hard it is. So now, I therefore conclude, it takes one to know one.

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