Sunday, March 16, 2014

Ma. Jessca Angela C. Tinay

The Importance of Culture

When I first read the title, "The Husband is Mine", I thought that it's more kind of a scene or drama in television where temptation and the presence of a mistress is there, but I was wrong when I read the the story. The story is really about a husband w
And wife who really loved each other but the sister of the wife really envied her because she married a wealthy man and is financially capabled and that's why she is also jealous with her sister.
We all know that marriage is very important in a relationship specially if you have decided to live as one or as a husband and wife. I've seen in this story that the Africans also have a ceremony for marriage and they a5so have customs and beliefs
about certain things for example is when a woman enters a man's house and he has carnal knowledge of her, she automatically becomes his wife. In my opinion, this ir ir a rin because the sisteq of the wife was married and had reven children. But i am
not saying that they should change that because it's their own culture.
The story is about jealousy,envy,marriage and love. Jealousy and envy bcause the sister of the wife was very in se2ured of marrying a man who was rich. She alwys compared her husband
to the husband of the wife and the kind of status they had in their life because they don't really have much money and they have many children to take care of.
The sanctity of marriage here was not given much importance bcause when the wife died, the
husband made the sister of his wife as his second wife regardless of the fact that he knew that the sister of his wife was also married with ano ther man. Love was shown between the husband and the wife especially when the wife was still alive
Education is really important to them. We can see it in the story when the husband said to his wife that it is better to have only two children so that their education will be sustained. They are same with us because education really is the key to
a better future.
I think the author was trying to describe the customs and beliefs of the Africans in this story, "The Husband is Mine". Tie author did a great job of having their traditions in this story to be clearly understood them by people especially
for those people who read this story.
With their customs and beliefs,we have similarities with them like having a great importance of education or valuing the essence of education, having a good realationship of the wife and
wife and husband and n
husband and of course having an affair with someone who also has a wife or husband
The only thing that i can say about this is that we should not be jealous and envy someone for having something that we don't have. We should always be contented and we
should work hard to achieve something that we want. Let's not be like the sister who was desperate to get the husband even if she knew that she had a husband and children and a responsibility to take care of her children. Let's always be thankful and be
responsible of what we have and of what is to come

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